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Miguel Arboleda

Hi Fujiko,

I finished my first full-length book a year ago and am now trying to get it published somewhere. The one piece of advice I can give you is, "Do it!" That's all that you need to know, really, in order to get it down on paper. All the technical stuff, all the cleaning up of plot or organization can come later. Sit down, day-by-day, and write as much as you can, even if it is only one sentence, but write. Every time you find a way to procrastinate by talking about what you want to write is time you have lost from the actual writing. Write, go for a long walk, come back, and write again, until the book is done.

So many people talk about wanting to write a book, but the difference in who is a writer and who is not is that one person actually finished a book and the other only dreams of it. It would be wonderful to see you get a book out.

You can do it! If you ever need another writer to just complain to or voice ideas to, I'd be glad to listen. Writing a book is not easy and at times you will wonder why in the world you ever started, but it's really worth it.

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