久しぶりに Melody Beattie の <a href="http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/0062511181/qid=1052075016/sr=1-49/ref=sr_1_0_49/250-8911424-4441852">Finding Your Way Home: A Soul Survival Kit </a>を開いてみました。よくやりません?本棚の本をぼぉっと見ていると、チラッと気になるタイトルがあって、その本をランダムに開いて、そのページから読むこと。Melody Beattieの本を開くのは、多分1年以上ぶりだと思う。彼女の本に出会ったのは3年前で、シカゴの出張先で <a href="http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/0802726852/qid=1052075016/sr=1-44/ref=sr_1_0_44/250-8911424-4441852">The Lessons of Love </a>を買って、帰りの飛行機で一挙に読みました。愛する子供を亡くした母親がその苦しみを通じて生きる意味を見出すお話。Yukiさんが教えてくれた、「山を登り谷を降る」というやつ。私の過去の体験と重なり、飛行機の中で泣きながら読みました。彼女の本に <a href="http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/search-handle-form/250-8911424-4441852">Paulo Coelho </a>の本の話が出ていたので、読んでみたんですが、その後は彼の本しょっちゅう読み返したのに、Beattieの本は読み返さなくなっていた。
よく考えてみると、Coelho は自分探しの旅をするけれど、Beatty は子供への愛が根底にあって、その愛が自分探しの旅に繋がっていた。
The Lessons of Loveから:
"The next morning, my despair began anew, the turmoil picking up where it left off. I was frozen in my bed, flattened by my anguish.
Then the answer came gently, softly, and as certain as the morning sun, filling me with light.
Every experience I have had in my life has been about the same thing.
Each lesson has ultimately and absolutely been about one thing, the only thing that is.
...Even These, my blackest and darkest moments, had been a from of love, one of its lessons. A harder one, but still a lesson of love.
I laughed out loud, alone in my room. What did I think love would look like? Feel like? Be? A romantic vision of being carried off to Camelot?
And Finally, facing and accepting death.
Had I thought all those lessons would be learned easily?
I guess I had.
I saw now that even the struggles, the hard times when I cursed and moaned and whined, had not been punishment. God hadn't been peering down from the heavens saying, Good, let her crawl over broken glass for a bit. That will teach her.
God was saying, Look, she's learning to love."
Finding Your Way Homeから:
"We creat and draw to us what we think and believe.
I can't is a tiny little bubble that pops out of our mind, floats in the air, and bursts when we fail at whatever we're trying to do. It's done its job. It's created the failure.
"Because our Thoughts can affect this eternal energy, they are the source of creation," she adds, "All creation begins in the mind. It must be thought first."
We say we want the universe to unfold at our feet. We don't have to make that happen. It already is. We just have to let it happen, listen to it, and acknowledge our part in what we've created."
もしかしたら、ここ数年(7年間ぐらい!)仕事に時間をかけすぎていたのかもしれない。仕事は凄く好き!楽しい!やりたい事が沢山ある。でも、働く場を創ることを勉強しているうちに、最終的には自分から始めるという所にたどり着いている。楽しい、面白い、やりがいがあるという部分はもう前からカバーできていると思う。今、仕事・仕事以外の生活のバランスを取るという時期に入っているのでしょうか。だからMelody Beattieなのかな・・・。